Helga – Heidi Reed Cremations https://www.heidireed.com Afford Direct Cremation Services Sun, 01 Aug 2021 22:12:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 214954258 Direct Cremation vs Regular Cremation https://www.heidireed.com/direct-cremation-vs-regular-cremation/ Sun, 01 Aug 2021 22:12:32 +0000 http://www.heidireed.com/?p=8

What are the differences between direct cremation and regular cremation services?

Cremation has become an increasingly popular option in recent years, and is now the preferred method of post-death disposition in the United States of America. And that trend is expected to continue over the next few decades as cremation provides for a much more financially feasible choice when it comes to honoring the dead. All cremation options provide a cheaper alternative than a traditional burial by eliminating the costs associated with purchasing a casket. However, there are still some costs associated with cremation urns, but these pale in comparison to the thousands normally spent on caskets. With the increased interest in cremation it is worth understanding that cremation is not a catch all word, and there are varying types of cremation services offered. Fully understanding all the options that are available to you can help you to make the best choice for you. In this article we will consider two main types of cremation services: direct cremation and radiational cremation.

Cremation with Traditional Service

This form of cremation still involves all the regular services that we have come to associate with traditional funerals. This involves presenting the deceased in a wake followed by a traditional memorial service. The only difference between the traditional service and this option is that the body cremated after the viewings rather than buried in a casket. In the end while this option does save a lot of money on expensive caskets, it is the most expensive cremation option as you still have all the costs associated with embalming and preparing the body and renting out the funeral home.

Memorial Service and Cremation

Unlike in the previous option, in this type of cremation service the deceased is not embalmed and shown at the funeral. Instead the deceased is cremated, and a memorial service is held without a viewing of their body. This is one of the most common choices as it still provides a recognized way to honor the live of a loved one who has passed away, while still helping reduce the costs.

Direct Cremation Service

This is the most affordable of all the different types of cremation services. With direct cremation the deceased body is cremated shortly after passing away, and there is no viewing, visitation, or memorial service held. By eschewing all the additional costs associated with preparing a body for a viewing, or holding a memorial service, this cremation option is the cheapest available outside of donating your body to science.

Which Cremation Option is Right For Me?

There is no one answer that is correct for everyone. Ultimately whichever type of cremation service you decide to opt for will depend on a wide range factors. The importance with which you weight each of these factors is unique to every individual and family. Factors to consider will be religious beliefs, financial costs, and the wishes of the deceased. If the deceased has not declared a preferred method for post-death disposition of their body, this is something that should be discussed with everyone involved. You will have to figure out which option is best for you based on your situation. If you have a preference for how you want to be honored after death, discuss your wishes with your spouse or family and friends so that they know how to properly honor you.

